Category: Women’s Liberation / Feminism

Responses to the Election

Thoughts the Morning After by Sinead •  Random, angry thoughts. Yesterday and today were write-offs as far as work is concerned. •  Trump was the FUCK THOSE GUYS candidate. The Democrats were stupid and irresponsible to run an Establishment candidate whose…

Clinton, Trump and Feminism

by Carol Hanisch It’s not easy or simple being a feminist during this election. Not that it ever is. But this has been a mind-boggler. First there was the Bernie Sanders phenomenon. Although he held forth the possibility of someone…

When Women Strike…

 By Carol Hanisch They call us Nazis and say that we are no better than Hitler because we think a woman should have be able to choose whether she gives birth to a seriously sick child – but we are…

The 1968 Miss America Protest Revisited

On September 7, the 48th anniversary of the 1968 Miss America Protest that marked the public burst of the Women’s Liberation Movement into U.S. consciousness, the online version of USA TODAY published an account with interviews, historic photos, and links…

“Viagra for Women” Pill Fails to Perform

The “little pink pill”, sometimes referred to as the “Viagra for women”, is having a hard time performing up to its corporate claims. When the drug flibanserin (brand name: Addyi) was approved a year ago by the FDA – supposedly to help women’s…

Suing to Protect Women’s Title IX Gains

by Kathy Scarbrough In May of this year, the federal Departments of Justice and Education put out a “Dear Colleague” letter giving federal “guidance” to schools across the country that are wrestling with how to handle the demands of transgender…

Feminists Speak Out on Sex vs. Gender

Four members of the Women’s Liberation Front presented different aspects of the problem that gender identity poses for women at the Left Forum held in New York City in May. We provide separate video links below to both the panel presentations…