Author: Editors

Feminist Consciousness: Race and Class

By Amanda Martins, from Brazil Among the most controversial topics in feminism are the race and class questions, which have motivated many women to develop new theories that encompass multiple realities taking into account region, race, economy and sexuality. Meanwhile…

Birth Strike: A Review

Birth Strike, The Hidden Fight Over Women’s Work by Jenny Brown   Reviewed by Colette Price When a woman gives birth, she goes into labor, it’s work, usually hard work. At the end she delivers the product, a baby. It’s…

A Challenge to the (Still) Male-Dominated Left

Who’s the Materialist Here? by Kathy Scarbrough and Carol Hanisch Nearly fifty years after the Women’s Liberation Movement exploded in the U.S., much of the male-dominated Left (including female members) is still claiming economic class and capitalism as the primary…

Patriarchy or Male Supremacy?

by Carol Hanisch EDITORS NOTE: Patriarchy has all but replaced male supremacy and sexism as the preferred word for the system of discrimination and multi-faceted oppression that women face. The term patriarchy wasn’t used by most 1960s pioneers of the…

Birth Regret: A Mother’s Day Truthtelling

  A Consciousness-Raising Discussion about Motherhood and Birth Regret The public is often harangued with stories of supposed “abortion regret”. A recent on-line discussion resulted with its opposite: birth regret. Women discuss their often mixed feelings about having given birth —…

A Letter from France

INTRO The following is from a response from a Meeting Ground reader in France. Much of what she writes about the situation there is similar to what we have been experiencing in the United States with the feminist movement, the…

Surrogacy in the United States

by KATHY SLOAN for presentation to the UN COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN– CSW 61 “TRADING ON THE FEMALE BODY” MARCH 14, 2017 The practice of commercial surrogacy in the United States is growing by leaps and bounds with…