Author: Editors

Feminists Speak Out on Sex vs. Gender

Four members of the Women’s Liberation Front presented different aspects of the problem that gender identity poses for women at the Left Forum held in New York City in May. We provide separate video links below to both the panel presentations…

The Judge Said

By Kathy Scarbrough   Judges often fail to hold men accountable for rape, even when the evidence is overwhelming. We just saw it play out one more time as Judge Aaron Persky let convicted felony rapist Brock Turner, walk out…

#More Than Mean

By Kathy Scarbrough This short video, #More Than Mean, has 3 million hits. What a wonderful way to expose the sexist harassment all women face online! The men on camera have agreed, unaware of what is to come, to read…

Girls and Sex

By Kathy Scarbrough “Usually the opposite of a negative is positive, but when you are talking about girls and sex the opposite of slut is prude, both of which are negative” said a young woman being interviewed by Peggy Orenstein…

Single Payer Health

Once in a while we run across an article that simply tells it like it is in language we all can understand. We’re providing a link to such an article by Vincent Navarro that lays out the case for a…