Category: Sex

A “Poverty Draft” for Women Only?

New York Legalizes Commercial Surrogacy by Kathy Scarbrough and Carol Hanisch As Kathy Sloan predicted in an article we published in 2017, NY State just joined most other states in the U.S. by passing provisions enabling the well-off to use…

Suing to Protect Women’s Title IX Gains

by Kathy Scarbrough In May of this year, the federal Departments of Justice and Education put out a “Dear Colleague” letter giving federal “guidance” to schools across the country that are wrestling with how to handle the demands of transgender…

Feminists Speak Out on Sex vs. Gender

Four members of the Women’s Liberation Front presented different aspects of the problem that gender identity poses for women at the Left Forum held in New York City in May. We provide separate video links below to both the panel presentations…