Category: Sex

Girls and Sex

By Kathy Scarbrough “Usually the opposite of a negative is positive, but when you are talking about girls and sex the opposite of slut is prude, both of which are negative” said a young woman being interviewed by Peggy Orenstein…

Leaving Liberal Feminism

A feminist we know, Rosita Libre de Marulanda, sent us a link to a blog post called “Leaving Liberal Feminism” and we want to share it here at Meeting Ground. The author, Kate Leigh, recounts her move from liberal (post-modern)…

Transgender Solidarity?

“This absolutization of identity, this quick abrogation of universality, strikes me as politically very dangerous. For a start: if in the constitution of your identity, I have no rights of cognition, participation, criticism, then on what basis may you ask…

“Red Love” A Consciousness-Raising/Discussion

The following email correspondence began informally with a forwarded link to an article entitled “Alexandra Kollontai and Red Love” by Teresa L. Ebert available at Ebert’s article began, “WHAT IS ‘RED Love’—and more specifically, what is a socialist, or…