Author: Editors

Single Payer Health

Once in a while we run across an article that simply tells it like it is in language we all can understand. We’re providing a link to such an article by Vincent Navarro that lays out the case for a…

Short Takes • March 4, 2016: Abortion

by Carol Hanisch Anti-Abortionist Legislator Grateful His Grandmother Was Raped? The ongoing attack on abortion rights continues to bring forth revealing anti-woman sentiments from male-supremacist legislators. This week’s doozy came from Texas State Representative Jason Isaac, co-author of the Texas…

Video: Unequal Opportunity Race

SHORT TAKES: February 20, 2016 by Kathy Scarbrough   This link takes you to a statement from the African American Policy Forum (AAPF) discussing how their four- minute video called the “Unequal Opportunity Race” has been censored by a…

Julie Bindel on Identity Politics

SHORT TAKES: February 13, 2016 By Kathy Scarbrough From a BATTLE OF IDEAS panel  “The Personal Is Political: Is Identity Politics Eating Itself?”  Julie Bindel sums up quite well, and with humor, what The Personal is Political means and how…

Ros Baxandall on Day Care

SHORT TAKES: February 5, 2016 Introducing a new MEETING GROUND feature We often have links or brief comments that we want to share with our readers that do not really fit an article format. We will try to post at…

In Commemoration of the Montreal Massacre

On December 6, 1989 –26 years ago– a heavily armed man entered an engineering class at the University of Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique. After shouting a diatribe against feminists at the women in the class, he opened fire, killing six women…

In Real Life…

by Meghan Murphy EDITOR’S NOTE: More and more feminists are seeing the value in meeting together face to face instead of depending wholly on the internet. We see this as positive and a reason why liberation movements are taking an…