Category: work

Campesinas: “Me Too”

In 2015, two years before Me Too erupted in Hollywood, 5 female farmworkers won a 17 million dollar judgement against Moreno Farms in Florida for horrendous sexual harassment and the retaliation they experienced by speaking up. A moving letter…

A “Poverty Draft” for Women Only?

New York Legalizes Commercial Surrogacy by Kathy Scarbrough and Carol Hanisch As Kathy Sloan predicted in an article we published in 2017, NY State just joined most other states in the U.S. by passing provisions enabling the well-off to use…

Feminist Consciousness: Race and Class

By Amanda Martins, from Brazil Among the most controversial topics in feminism are the race and class questions, which have motivated many women to develop new theories that encompass multiple realities taking into account region, race, economy and sexuality. Meanwhile…

A Call for Women to Pledge to Strike

Below is a news release from National Women’s Liberation calling for a women’s strike against “all work, both paid and unpaid,” during the presidential inauguration weekend in January. They are setting a target of 20,000 strike pledges before making the…

Some Random Labor Day Missives

“The Group-Made Man” [and Woman] In the late 19th century, when the ideology of “the self-made man” was sweeping the United States, propagated by the dime novels of Horatio Alger and the “rags-to-riches” biographies of the likes of Andrew Carnegie,…