By Carol Hanisch A little over ten years ago, from May 26 through June 11, 2006, “The ‘Second Wave’ and Beyond” website hosted a special on-line forum among scholars and activists around my article “The Personal is Political” and its…
Women’s Strike, Women’s March, and Pink Pussy Hats
By Carol Hanisch The blatant sexism of Donald Trump is reinvigorating a moribund feminist movement. When National Women’s Liberation advertised that its November monthly chapter meeting would be a consciousness-raising and action-planning meeting about the election results, about 500…
The Limits of “Clicktivism”
by Bruce Hartford Many of our readers are probably aware of the pros and cons of online organizing but we think this author raises some very important questions about accountability by those groups sending out petitions to millions of citizens…
A Call for Women to Pledge to Strike
Below is a news release from National Women’s Liberation calling for a women’s strike against “all work, both paid and unpaid,” during the presidential inauguration weekend in January. They are setting a target of 20,000 strike pledges before making the…
Organizing ALL Women!
Whatever else Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election may do, it has certainly stirred many out of the stupor that has gripped the country for decades. When National Women’s Liberation (NWL) posted an invitation on their Facebook page to…
Responses to the Election
Thoughts the Morning After by Sinead • Random, angry thoughts. Yesterday and today were write-offs as far as work is concerned. • Trump was the FUCK THOSE GUYS candidate. The Democrats were stupid and irresponsible to run an Establishment candidate whose…