By Carol Hanisch Absent from most of the debate in the presidential primaries is the discussion of the military budget and the wars that have secured profits for the rich while carrying out killing fields abroad and dying fields at…
Sloppy Science Invoked to Support Trans Ideology
by Kathy Scarbrough Not a day goes by lately when loving parents can’t be heard spouting some hackneyed sex stereotype (“my son likes pink; my daughter prefers trucks to dolls”) as evidence that their child is the opposite sex “inside”…
Left Behind
by Carol Hanisch Over at Jacobin, Irish activist Bernadette Devlin, who brought the movement slogan, “Dare to Struggle—Dare to Win” to the U.S, is interviewed about what is known as “the peace process” in Ireland and its aftermath today. One…
It’s What You’re PAID, Not What You EARN!
by Carol Hanisch As long as jobs pay poverty wages, the people who work those jobs will be poor. As the argument grinds on about the minimum wage and • whether $12 is too much (as most Republicans and many…
#More Than Mean
By Kathy Scarbrough This short video, #More Than Mean, has 3 million hits. What a wonderful way to expose the sexist harassment all women face online! The men on camera have agreed, unaware of what is to come, to read…
Speech by Kathie Sarachild
“Feminist Revolution: Toward a Science of Women’s Freedom” a speech by Women’s Liberation Movement pioneer Kathie Sarachild of Redstockings Using her experiences in the Women’s Liberation Movement, in the Civil Rights Movement with SNCC, and as the child of radical…